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Trainings in English

End-of-life care

Part 1 - 7 hours

The main objectives of this training are to reflect on the process of death (fears, myths, beliefs, awareness on our own death) and learn to better communicate with the dying and their families.

Part 2 - 7 hours

Part 2 of this training consists of recognizing the stages of death (months, weeks, days and hours before death), becoming aware of the impact of successive losses on health care professionals and care givers and implementing strategies to better cope with such a difficult and emotional work.

Acting against elder mistreatment

As part of these three (3) accredited training hours, the various components of the Governmental action plan to counter elder abuse (2017-2022) will be presented and multiple strategies to promote well-treatment will be demonstrated. Risk factors, attitudes and behaviors to be favored, optimal interventions for seniors living in CHSLDs as well as the tools and resources available to health professionals will also be discussed.

Civility in the workplace

Beyond the very negative effects that incivility can have on the work climate and on the mental health of workers, incivility also generates significant organizational costs due to the loss of productivity and the absenteeism it causes. This dynamic and interactive conference, lasting 1.5 hour, provides an overview of the rules of conduct to follow and pitfalls to avoid, in order to ensure the well-being of the majority at work.

Pain management at the end of life

This 7 hour training will ensure the health care professional a better understanding of the mechanism of pain and of the nurse's role in the control and assessment of pain.

A review of pharmacology and narcotic medication will be conducted to provide the necessary strategies to relieve the suffering patient.

Nursing leadership

How to cultivate leadership credibility and effectively manage a team? Explanation of the different workings of interpersonal skills and team leader skills will allow the participant to better understand their leadership role and thus better ensure the pursuit of organizational goals

Writing progress notes in medical records

By taking part in this training, in regard to the acts reserved by law, the nursing professional will be able to recognize the importance of progress notes to specific qualitative criteria, integrate the structure and content of the clinical examination into the notes on chart and build a writing structure for the notes on the chart that integrates the clinical examination, the TNP and nursing follow-up.

Therapeutic Nursing Plan (TNP)

This training offers you a deep analysis into each part of the TNP. Group discussions on case studies are planned, to allow a better control of the concepts of use of this so effective tool.


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L'Institut de formation 100-T est un fournisseur de choix pour le réseau de la santé du Québec en ce qui a trait à la formation de ses professionnels en soins infirmiers (infirmier-ère et infirmier-ère auxiliaire) et autres membres de ses équipes soignantes. Formation sur mesure en milieu de travail, formation accréditée (UEC) et admissible aux heures de formation exigées par l'OIIQ et l'OIIAQ. Multiples champs d'activité sont couverts par l'offre de formation de l'Institut de formation 100-T: gestion des symptômes psychologiques et comportementaux de la démence (GSPCD), notes au dossier, plan thérapeutique infirmier (PTI), pharmacologie et gestion des médicaments, prévention des chutes, examen clinique de l'adulte et de l'aîné, dyslipidémie, anticoagulothérapie, soins de plaies, niveau universitaire, hématologie, cardiologie, bientraitance, maltraitance, soins palliatifs, soins en fin de vie, contrôle de la douleur, gestion des opiacés, etc. 

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